Yorans thermal imaging technology for heat sealing processs

Yoran Imaging utilizes award-winning breakthrough thermal imaging technology to revolutionize the filling and heat-sealing process on packaging lines in a range of consumer facing industries.

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Drawing upon more than two decades of thermal imaging inspection experience, our solutions provide non-invasive, 100% in-line inspection combined with production-optimizing data collection and analysis.

Our groundbreaking Process Analytical Monitoring System:
Replaces inadequate manual sampling with comprehensive product inspection.
Provides unprecedented levels of packaging line insight.
Preempts production failures before they occur.
The result?
Dramatically heightened brand protection.
Smarter manufacturing processes.
More efficient packaging operations.
quality assurance system for heat sealing
thermal analytics for manufacturing and packaging

We create data, so you can control your process.

The Problem
Imprecise inspection via random sampling has long been the norm on high-speed packaging lines, where vital aspects of filling and heat-sealing procedures are seldom monitored and harnessed leading to substantial downtime and increased product waste.
Thermal Imaging Packaging Equipment
manufacturing and packaging analytics software
The Solution

Eliminate manual, periodic sampling and inspect every single heat-sealed product before it leaves the production line.

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Trusted by Global Leaders

Groupe LactalisO.S.E.M.colgate-palmoliveNestlestrauss coffeeTaroPharma
  • This industry 4.0 thermal imaging-based approach has the potential to generate advanced inline data regarding the heat-sealing process of our products, improve our process control, reduce waste of plastic and aluminum, and enable us to test in the future new recyclable bio plastic materials..."

    Eyal Shimon
    CTO, Strauss-Group
  • "Their solution offers to bring the benefits of Industry 4.0 to quality control processes which are still based on manual, destructive, and random quality testing rather than real-time observation and data analysis..."

    Gofna Liss
    Open Innovation Manager, Nestle Osem
  • "Yoran Imaging is part of our Acceleration Program in the Food and Beverage vertical at Plug and Play Italy. Plug and Play is a global innovation platform and an in-house VC to make technological advancement progress faster than ever before..."

    Seena Amidhozour
    Co-Head, EMEA

Recognized by Respected Associations

Horizon 2020Zero Waste Europeall 4 pack innovation Paris


As seen in...

Through automated 100% inspection and data capture, company’s Process Analytical Monitoring (PAM) ...
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Yoran Imaging’s Process Analytical Monitoring system measures residual heat from sealing applicati...
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PACK EXPO International

November 3, 2024 - November 6, 2024
Location: Chicago, Illinois
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Join the Yoran Imaging team at the 2024 Pack Expo Show in Chicago to see a live demonstration of their groundbreaking thermal imaging inspection system in action at Booth LU-8857.

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