Incorporate Seamless, In-Line Thermal Imaging Inspection into Your Packaging Equipment
At Yoran Imaging, our experienced team advances the boundaries of thermal imaging technology by empowering OEMs to elevate their production and packaging processes to unparalleled heights. Our cutting-edge solutions are engineered to integrate seamlessly into your existing production lines to generate vital data and provide in-depth analysis.
By partnering with Yoran Imaging, you gain a valuable technology partner with decades of real-world expertise, while your customers get increased efficiency, reduced waste and enhanced quality control.
Delivering measurable ROI
To our OEM partners across a wide range of markets
Autonomous Production Lines
Replace manual or periodic checks with automatic inspection of every single heat-sealed product before it leaves the production line. With production rates in next-generation equipment increasing from a standard 3,600 products per hour up to 10,000-40,000 per hour, automatic inspection is now more important than ever.
Harness the Power of Data
Analyze your process. Get real-time alerts and regular trend reports to transform your filling & sealing data into manageable and actionable steps, preventing any short- or long-term issues with your products and machinery.
Increase Productivity
Utilize data capture and dashboard-ready metrics to continually improve facets of production and take preemptive measures to minimize machine downtime.
Enhance Sustainability
Reduce product and packaging waste by preventing defective products from being produced. Utilize designed-for-recycle sustainable packaging materials, which are typically vulnerable to manual sampling methods.
Protect Brand Reputation
Reap the Rewards – Gain a comprehensive understanding of your filling & sealing process to enhance quality control and protect your brand reputation.
integrated heat sealing inspection machine
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